Clara Capelli

Clara Capelli is a development economist working on labour market and trade issues, with a particular focus on Middle East and North Africa. She holds a PhD in Economics at the University of Pavia (Italy) and during her doctoral studies she was a visiting researcher at the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut. She also has work and research experience in the Palestinian Territories and Tunisia.

Clara Capelli taught macroeconomics at LAU and quantitative methods for development economics at the Master in Cooperation and Development, Institute of Advanced Studies of Pavia. She now teaches public-private project financing at this Master and economic integration of the MENA region at the Master in Cooperation and Development of Bethlehem University.

Her main research interests concern CGE modelling with a macro-structuralist approach, history of development economic thought and development indicators. On this topic, she recently published on the international peer-reviewed journal “Development and Change” with Prof. Gianni Vaggi (University of Pavia).

By this expert

Tunisia in Turmoil: When Supply-Side Orthodoxy Meets an Angry Citizenry

Article | May 23, 2016

Mass protests challenging the government to focus on job-creation rather than on market liberalization and trade deals may carry a cautionary message to Western policy makers, too.