YSI Event

Keynesian and Financial Stability

The aftermath: A Keynesian Perspective

Post Keynesian economists have devoted substantial research efforts to understand issues related to Financial Stability and Financialization. The Global Financial Crisis (2008 - 2009) has put to the forefront of the profession the necessity to deepen our understanding of these issues.

In this context, the Financial Stability and the Keynesian Working Groups offer an excellent opportunity for debate and interaction among Keynesians and all scholars concerned with Financial Stability issues. Thus, we are glad to announce a special joint session between both working groups.

For this session, we welcome contributions related (but not limited) to the following topics, from a Keynesian and/or Minskian perspective:

  • Financial stability and regulation;
  • Instability in financial markets;
  • Financialisation of the economy;
  • Global economic imbalances;
  • Economic history of financial crises;
  • Sources and policy response of financial crises.

Questions concerning this call may be sent to:

To submit a paper, go here. Note that you must register yourself on the Young Scholars Directory first if you haven’t already.